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Price List

  Price   Price
Consultation $65.00 Root Treatment  
Exam $90.00 One Root $800.00
    Two Roots $950.00
    Three Roots $1100.00
Fillings   Extractions  
Patch $160.00 Simple $200.00
Small $200.00 Moderate $300.00
Medium $275.00 Complicated $425.00
Large $325.00    
Crowns   Dentures  
Porcelain Bio Metal Crown $1500.00 Plastic Upper or Lower $1500.00
All Ceramic Crowns $1600.00 Metal with Plastic $2000.00
Implant   Bleaching  
Per Tooth $3500.00 Upper and Lower $980.00
Simple Gum $175.00    
Initial Gum $250.00    

Opening Hours

    • Monday 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM
    • Tuesday to Friday 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM